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Writer's pictureJv Prathyusha

Karma: Can Science Ever Explain This?

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Have you ever wondered if the spiritual concept of Karma has any connection with the principles of physics?

It's an intriguing thought, isn't it? We usually consider science and spirituality as distinct realms, but what if they're more interconnected than we think? This brings us to an exciting journey into the realms of Newton's Third Law, the law of conservation of energy, and the famous equation E equals mc squared.

Karma: A Dance of Cause and Effect

Karma, a concept deeply ingrained in various spiritual traditions, suggests that for every action, there is a cause and effect associated with it. This echoes Newton's Third Law, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The parallel between these two principles suggests a profound interconnectedness, emphasizing that actions, whether physical or metaphysical, have consequences that reverberate through existence.

Karma, much like Newton's law, emphasizes the interconnectedness of actions and their consequences.

Karma's effect is explained by this
Newton's Third Law Of Motion

Conservation of Energy: The Persistence of Influence

If you think only physical actions have these opposite reactions, what about thoughts, desires, and other intangible aspects? The law of conservation of energy comes into play here, asserting that energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it merely transforms from one form to another. In the context of Karma, this principle suggests that the energy intrinsic to our thoughts, words, and deeds doesn't vanish into the void but rather persists in some form as everything is associated with energy. So now it make sense right. It's a scientific basis for the enduring impact of our actions, even those of a non-physical nature.

The energy inherent in our thoughts, words, and actions doesn't vanish into the void but rather persists according to this law of conservation of energy.

E=mc^2 and the Reincarnation of Energy

Enter Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, often associated with nuclear reactions. Could it also explain the reincarnation underlying aspect of Karma? This equation tells us that energy and mass are interchangeable. When applied to Karma, it suggests that the energy from our past actions, both good and bad, is never lost. It could transform into matter that is

into these three bodies (Karana sarira – causal body , Sukshma sarira – subtle body, Sthula sarira – gross body )that makes up our selves. That is the cause of our actions or cause of our present state is nothing but our own past actions..

Karma concept is explained by this
Albert Einstein and E = mc2

The energy from our past actions, both good and bad, is never lost. It could transform into matter that makes up our present selves.

Beyond One Life: The Continuity of Energy

Using the formula, it's confirmed that for the creation of our present selves, only a minuscule amount of our energy is utilized because mass = energy / square of the speed of light. This revelation aligns with spiritual teachings that propose life is not confined to a single existence. The surplus energy yet to be reaped implies that there's more to come, reinforcing the idea that life is an ongoing process of action and reaction.

Conscious Choices for a Better Future

In the present moment, we are reaping the results of our past actions. This realization prompts a call to refrain from judgment and to consciously choose our actions for a better future. The synthesis of spirituality and physics invites us to navigate our existence with mindfulness and intentionality, recognizing that the energy we invest in the present will have lasting implications for the journey ahead.

In this synthesis of spirituality and physics, the exploration of Karma becomes a dynamic interplay of fundamental scientific principles.

Conclusion: Navigating Existence with Mindfulness

As we delve into the intersection of Karma and physics, the apparent gap between spirituality and science narrows, revealing a dynamic interplay of fundamental principles. Karma becomes not only a philosophical concept but also a scientific exploration into cause and effect, energy conservation, and the continuity of existence. It encourages us to approach life with mindfulness, recognizing the profound implications of our actions and the interconnected nature of our journey through time and energy. So, let's stop judging others and consciously pick our actions for a better and more intentional future.



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